Romanian Journal of
Human - Computer Interaction

Vol.10, No.3, 2017

ISSN 1843-4460



On Game-Based Learning Support for Early Childhood in Romania
Adriana-Mihaela Guran, Anamaria Moldovan, Grigoreta Sofia Cojocar
183 - 196
Experiential Learning VR System for Studying Computer Architecture
Maria-Iuliana Dascălu, Sergean Bagis, Melania Nițu, Oana-Maria Ferche, Alin Dragoș Bogdan Moldoveanu
197 - 215
Gesture-based Visual Analytics in Virtual Reality
Mihai Pop, Adrian Sabou
216 - 230
Educational Mobile Application using Sphero SPRK+ in an Augmented Reality scenario
Teodor Ștefănuț, Andreea Camelia Tripon
231 - 249
Generation of musical accompaniment for a poem, using artificial intelligence techniques
Caroline-Cristina Stere, Ștefan Trăușan-Matu
250 - 270


On Game-Based Learning Support for Early Childhood in Romania

Adriana-Mihaela Guran1, Anamaria Moldovan2, Grigoreta Sofia Cojocar1
1Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca
Str. M. Kogǎlniceanu, Nr.1, 400084, Cluj-Napoca
E-mail: adriana,

2Grǎdinița Albinuța, Cluj-Napoca
Str. G. Alexandrescu, Nr. 27, 400529, Cluj-Napoca

Abstract: There is growing evidence that more and more children are immersed in a digital landscape from birth. Young children use digital devices to play games, watch television and replay their favorite videos on YouTube. Through these activities, young children acquire digital competences. In Romania, the level of digital competencies on young children is smaller than in other countries from UE. This paper describes an initiative that has as main goal to explore the appropriateness of using interactive games, and to contribute to the improvement of game-based learning in formal early childhood education settings in Romania.

Keywords: human-computer interaction, serious gaming, user centered design, digital competences, digital literacy.

Cite this paper as:
Guran, A-M., Moldovan, A., Cojocar, G.S. On Game-Based Learning Support for Early Childhood in Romania Revista Romana de Interactiune Om-Calculator 10(3), 183-196, 2017.

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Experiential Learning VR System for Studying Computer Architecture

Maria-Iuliana Dascălu, Sergean Bagis, Melania Nițu, Oana-Maria Ferche, Alin Dragoș Bogdan Moldoveanu
University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest
E-mail: {oana.ferche, alin.moldoveanu}

Abstract: As (Experiential Learning Lectures) points out, there are several downsides to classical lectures that can be extended to a lot of areas of education: the fact that students tend to lose their attention as soon as lectures start (Improving Listening Skills) or that they do not take notes rigorously (Taking Notes). Both the concentration on the taught subject as well as the need for taking notes can be improved by using experiential learning techniques. According to (Experiential Learning, Illinois), these techniques require the student to use his critical, reflective and analytical abilities during the learning process, requiring them to take initiative and to learn through experiments, asking questions, while being curious and creative. The role of the teacher is therefore shifted in experiential learning compared to classical lectures, as the teacher must mainly raise attention over various problems, support students and maintain an adequate environment for the learning process. The advancements of technology lead to new opportunities for systems increasing the interactivity during classes (Ubiquitous Learning). One such system is proposed by the current paper, which presents a Virtual Reality system designed to support experiential learning for computer architecture classes by creating an environment in which the user is immersed where he receives information and indications through textual cues while he assembles virtual components of a virtual computer.

Keywords: virtual reality, augmented reality, e-learning, experiential learning.

Cite this paper as:
Dascalu, M-I., Sergean, B., Nitu, M., Ferche, O-M., Moldoveanu, A.D.B. Experiential Learning VR System for Studying Computer Architecture. Revista Romana de Interactiune Om-Calculator 10(3), 197-215, 2017.

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Gesture-based Visual Analytics in Virtual Reality

Mihai Pop, Adrian Sabou
Technical University Cluj-Napoca
26 G. Barițiu street, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Abstract: This paper presents an approach to dynamic data visualization and manipulation using virtual reality as a means of display and the Leap Motion controller in order to interact with the virtual scene. The data and related APIs provided to the virtual reality application are based on a separate web application which provides REST APIs in order to get and further manipulate existent data. The algorithm pipeline is managed by using the Unity Game Engine, which provides a means to express control and logic over the sensory inputs of the Leap Motion controller. The application is built by using the Unity Game Engine and it is streamed on any Android phone through RiftCat Vridge software solution for streaming application over Wi-Fi, while interpreting the phone’s sensor input and translating it into virtual head movements. The issues from the standpoint of a corporate need for a more interactive and natural experience in viewing and interacting with big data.

Keywords: Visual Analytics; Virtual Reality; Leap Motion; Gestures detection; RiftCat Vridge; Node server application.

Cite this paper as:
Pop, M., Sabou, A. Gesture-based Visual Analytics in Virtual Reality. Revista Romana de Interactiune Om-Calculator 10(3), 216-230, 2017

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Educational Mobile Application using Sphero SPRK+ in an Augmented Reality scenario

Teodor Ștefănuț, Andreea Camelia Tripon
Technical University Cluj-Napoca
26 G. Barițiu street, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Abstract: Teaching kindergarten children is a challenging task that requires patience, imagination and very well designed didactic materials that can capture the attention of children and convey knowledge at the same time. Appropriate to the age of pupils, specific games have been developed and integrated into teaching methodologies, in order to help children in understanding and exercising different simple or more complex notions and skills. Complementing traditional teaching methods, technology is currently more present than ever in the everyday activities of children, enabling the implementation of complex learning scenarios, adaptive didactic materials, customized learning paths and optimized integration of gaming with the need of exercising different skills. Some of the challenges met in creating such tools are discussed in this article, showing as a case study that new learning methods and resources can be developed by bridging the virtual world of the mobile-based games with the real one, through the use of Augmented Reality techniques and Sphero SPRK+ robot.

Keywords: Augmented Reality; Sphero SPRK+; Education; Mobile applications.

Cite this paper as:
Stefanut, T., Tripon, A.C. Educational Mobile Application using Sphero SPRK+ in an Augmented Reality scenario Revista Romana de Interactiune Om-Calculator 10(3), 231-249, 2017.

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Generation of musical accompaniment for a poem, using artificial intelligence techniques

Caroline-Cristina Stere1, Ştefan Trăușan-Matu1,2,3
1Universitatea Politehnica din Bucureşti
Splaiul Independenţei nr. 313, Bucureşti

2Institutul de Cercetări în Inteligenţa Artificială
Calea 13 Septembrie nr. 13, Bucureşti

3Academia Oamenilor de Ştiinţă din România
Splaiul Independenţei nr. 54, Bucureşti

Abstract: Music has the gift of adorning everything it touches and of expressing things that cannot be expressed through words alone. This paper describes a software system developed in order to complete the message sent by a poem, with a suitable melody. The system analyzes a poem from both the rhythmical and the general-emotion point of view. This analysis is followed by the actual generation of music, that consists of two equally important phases: the generation of the rhythm and the generation of the musical notes.

Keywords: Sonification, poem, natural language processing, poem analysis, mood classification, rhythm.

Cite this paper as:
Stere, C-C., Trausan-Matu, S. Generation of musical accompaniment for a poem, using artificial intelligence techniques. Revista Romana de Interactiune Om-Calculator 10(3), 250-270, 2017.

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