Topics of interest
- Contextual approaches (activity theory, Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL), Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), collaborative models
- Contextual modeling for user, platform, and environment
- Requirements for UIs
- Task analysis and modeling
- Machine Learning and Deep Learning for user interaction improvement
- Socio-technical systems
- Not mentioned before, but in this category
- Accessibility and assistive technologies
- Adaptation, personalization and customization of UIs
- Cognitive models, native and affective factors in USI
- Cross-device and cross-surface Uis
- User-centered design
- Predictive models
- Design models, methods, patterns, and tools
- Model-based/model-driven engineering of UIs
- Models of Human Computer Interaction; new interaction paradigms
- Not mentioned before, but in this category
- Artificial Intelligence applications in USI,
- Intelligent UIs and agents
- Artificial Intelligence techniques for USI
- Software Engineering for UI development
- Notations and representations in USI
- Social aspects in interactive system development
- Social aspects in USI
- Education in USI
- UI development life cycle
- Web engineering
- Not mentioned before, but in this category
- Evaluation methods with/without users
- Quality models and evaluation of interactive systems (user experience, usability, accessibility)
- Usability engineering & User Experience
- Multi-context usability and user experience evaluation
- Not mentioned before, but in this category
UI Types & Interaction modalities
- Specific applications and case studies
- Deformable interaction
- Web interfaces
- Intelligent user interfaces
- Interaction with mobile devices
- Multimodal user interfaces (multimedia, vocal, gestures, haptics)
- Physical interaction
- Tangible, Virtual, Augmented, Mixed and Extended Realities
- Natural language-based interaction
- Not mentioned before, but in this category