Revista Română de
Interacţiune Om-Calculator

Vol.7, Nr.2, 2014

ISSN 1843-4460

Special Issue
User interface standardization
Guest Editors : David Faure, Jean Vanderdonckt

English version


User interface standardization.
David Faure, Jean Vanderdonckt
89 - 92
Multi-User Interaction Meta-Model.
Josefina Guerrero-García, Juan González-Calleros
93 - 116
A model-based approach to generate connection-aware applications for the mobile web.
Javier R. Escolar, Cristina G.Cachón, Ignacio Marín, Jean Vanderdonckt, Vivian Motti
117 - 138
UsiGesture: Test and Evaluation of an Environment for Integrating Gestures in User Interfaces.
Francois Beuvens, Jean Vanderdonckt
139 - 160
Towards a Culture-Adaptable User-Interface Architecture.
Iyad Khaddam, Jean Vanderdonckt
161 - 194


User interface standardization

David Faure1, Jean Vanderdonckt2

1Thales Research & Technology
Route Départementale, 91120 Palaiseau, France

2Louvain Interaction Laboratory - Université catholique de Louvain
Place des Doyens, 1, 1348, Louvain la Neuve

Rezumat: The UsiXML ITEA 2 project developed an innovative model-driven engineering method to improve the user interface design for the benefit of both industrial and academic end-users in terms of productivity and reusability. The goal of UsiXML was to define, validate, and standardise an open user interface description language (UIDL), increasing productivity and reusability, and improving usability and accessibility. The development  efforts in UsiXML resulted in a draft submitted to W3C and were rewarded with the ITEA Excellence Award 2013 for standardization.

Key words: user interfaces, model-based engineering, meta-models, standardization.

Citaţi acest articol astfel:
Faure, D., Vanderdonckt, J. User interface standardization. Editorial to special issue. Revista Romana de Interactiune Om-Calculator 7(2) 89-92. 2014.

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Multi-User Interaction Meta-Model

Josefina Guerrero-García, Juan González-alleros
Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla – Computer Science Faculty
Av. San Claudio y 14 sur s/n, , Puebla, Mexico

Rezumat: In recent years, there has been a wide interest on how groups of people work together, and on how collaboration might be supported. Many authors, rely on Task Modeling to design collaborative information systems. Task models can be represented at various abstraction levels. When designers want to specify only requirements regarding how activities should be performed, they consider only the main high-level tasks. On the other hand, when designers aim to provide precise design indications then the activities are represented at a small granularity, thus including aspects related to the dialogue model of a user interface (which defines how system and user actions can be sequenced). In this paper a comparative analysis of selected models involving multiple users in an interaction is provided in order to identify concepts which are underexplored in today’s multi-user interaction task modeling. This comparative analysis is based on three families of criteria: information criteria, conceptual coverage, and expressive¬ness. Merging the meta-models of the selected models enables to come up with a broader meta-model that could be instantiated in most situations involving multi-user interaction, like workflow information systems, CSCW.

Cuvinte cheie: Computer Supported Collaborative Work, Task Modeling, User Modeling, Business Process, Workflow.

Citaţi acest articol astfel:
Guerrero-Garcia, J., Gonzales-Calleros, J. Multi-User Interaction Meta-Model. Revista Romana de Interactiune Om-Calculator 7(2) 93-116. 2014.

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A model-based approach to generate connection-aware applications for the mobile web

Javier R. Escolar1, Cristina G.Cachón1, Ignacio Marín1, Jean Vanderdonckt2, Vivian Motti2

1Fundación CTIC Centro Tecnológico.
Parque Científico y Tecnológico de Gijón.
C/ Ada Byron, 39 Edificio Centros Tecnológicos. 33203 Gijón, Asturias (España)
E-mail:  {javier.rodriguez, cristina.cachon, ignacio.marin}

2Université Catholique de Louvain.
Place de l'Université 1, bte L0.01.09 B-1348
Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgique)
E-mail:  {jean.vanderdonckt, vivian.genaromotti} 

Rezumat: The development of context-sensitive applications for the mobile web implies significant challenges for developers, mainly due to device diversity and the variability of the Delivery Context. One specific challenge is to create applications able to work not only when connection is available but also when disconnected. The effort required to create such applications is excessively high in spite of the facilities provided by emerging technologies. A model-based approach for the development of this type of applications is presented in this article. We present a navigation model described by means of an extended version of the State Charts eXtensible Markup Language (SCXML) proposed by W3C.

Cuvinte cheie: mobile, web, offline applications, model-based, SCXML, navigation model.

Citaţi acest articol astfel:
Escolar, J., Cachon, C., Marin, I., Vanderdonckt, J., Motti, V., A model-based approach to generate connection-aware applications for the mobile web. Revista Romana de Interactiune Om-Calculator 7(2) 117-138. 2014.

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UsiGesture: Test and Evaluation of an Environment for Integrating Gestures in User Interfaces

François Beuvens, Jean Vanderdonckt
Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain School of Management - LILab
1 Place des Doyens, 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium

Rezumat: User interfaces allowing gesture recognition and manipulation are becoming more and more popular these last years. It however remains a hard task for programmers to developer such interfaces : some knowledge of recognition systems is required, along with user experience and user interface management knowledge. It is often difficult for only one developer to handle all this knowledge by itself and it is why a team gathering different skills is most of the time needed. We previously presented a method along with a tool in order to ease the collaboration between members of such a team. In this paper, we present results and feedbacks collected by observing different teams that followed the method and/or used the proposed tool.

Cuvinte cheie: HCI, recognition, pen-based interaction, User interface modeling.

Citaţi acest articol astfel:
Beuvens, F., Vanderdonckt, J., UsiGesture: Test and Evaluation of an Environment for Integrating Gestures in User Interfaces. Revista Romana de Interactiune Om-Calculator 7(2) 139-160. 2014.

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Towards a Culture-Adaptable User-Interface Architecture

Iyad Khaddam, Jean Vanderdonckt
Université catholique de Louvain – Lilab
Place des Doyens 1, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium 
E-mail: {iyad.khaddam, jean.vanderdonckt} 

Rezumat: Culture plays a rols in the way humans interact with the machine. It implies changes on the UI to fit cultural needs, practices and preferences. Knowledge on these implications are sparsed and insufficient until the moment. Employing culture knowledge as rules in the design and development of software user interfaces looks far to acheive. Even though, user interface designers and developers still need to consider differences in user interfaces. Our approach to support user interface developers and designers is to propose a user interface architecture that enhances their ability to apply changes imposed by culture. Our contribution is to analyse culture studies to identify cocerns and requirements for such architecture, propose an architecture that satisfies some of these requirements and discuss an idea towards an enhanced one.

Cuvinte cheie: Culture, UI architecture, HCI, culture models.

Citaţi acest articol astfel:
Khaddam, I., Vanderdonckt, J. Towards a Culture-Adaptable User-Interface Architecture. Revista Romana de Interactiune Om-Calculator 7(2) 161-194. 2014.

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