Revista Română de
Interacțiune Om-Calculator

Vol.8, Nr.4, 2015

ISSN 1843-4460

Special Issue
Visual representations of educational processes
Guest Editor: Philippe Dessus

English version


Visual representations of educational processes
Philippe Dessus
257 - 260
A Math Textbook Time Machine for teacher training
Martin Galilée, Christian Dépret, Erica de Vries
261 - 279
Visualization of computer-supported argumentative writing processes using C‑SAW
Kalliopi Benetos, Mireille Bétrancourt
281 - 302
Visualization of polyphonic voices inter-animation in CSCL chats
Ştefan Trăuşan-Matu, Mihai Dascălu
303 - 320
Understanding perceptual-gestural knowledge in TEL systems with eye-tracking
Ben-Manson Toussaint, Vanda Luengo, Francis Jambon
321 - 340


Visual representations of educational processes

Philippe Dessus
Univ. Grenoble Alpes
F-38000 Grenoble, France

Rezumat: As an editorial to this special issue, we pinpoint some ways on how visual representations of educational processes can help analyzing these processes, and in turn lead to designing of new tools informed by interdisciplinary research.

Cuvinte cheie: Visualization, Simulation, Educational, Cognitive processes, Technology-Enhanced Learning

Citați acest articol astfel:
Dessus, P. Visual representations of educational processes. Revista Romana de Interactiune Om-Calculator 8(4), 257-260, 2015.

Textul integral


A Math Textbook Time Machine for teacher training

Martin Galilée, Christian Dépret, Erica de Vries
Laboratory of Educational Sciences, Univ. Grenoble Alpes
1251, avenue centrale, BP 47, F-38040 Grenoble, France

Rezumat: The complexity of mathematics textbooks’ layout has been increasing due to technical advances since the 1960s. Whereas teachers used to be the only authors of textbooks, layout and graphic designers now play a central role in the transmission of knowledge. Design choices in a layout may however confuse learners if the general, didactic, and mathematical meanings interfere. We conducted a semiotic analysis of six textbooks from the 1960s to the 2010s, and built an interactive web-based visualization tool around our observations. The MTTM tool (Math Textbook Time Machine) displays the same mathematics lesson in the design style of six different decades, and allows a user to explore them as if travelling through time. We propose possible uses of this tool in teacher education to raise awareness of the possible confusion induced by design choices.

Cuvinte cheie: semiotics, math textbooks, historical awareness, design, technology-enhanced teaching

Citați acest articol astfel:
Galilée, M., Dépret, C., De Vries, E. A Math Textbook Time Machine for teacher training. Revista Romana de Interactiune Om-Calculator 8(4), 261-279, 2015.

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Visualization of computer-supported argumentative writing processes using C‑SAW

Kalliopi Benetos, Mireille Bétrancourt
TECFA, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Science - University of Geneva
Bd du Pont-d'Arve 42, 1205 Geneva, Switzerland

Rezumat: The development of argumentative writing skills is necessary and expected in secondary and higher education to foster critical thinking, but they are difficult to master. A computer-supported argumentative writing application, C‑SAW, was designed to support this process. In its development and testing, scripts were written to record the use of embedded scaffolding devices and textual changes made. For research purposes, a concept-mapping and visualization software (VUE) was used to manipulate and code recorded data to visualize writing process stages for each participant. Further analyses using transitional probability matrices revealed what types of aid were consulted during different stages of writing and which aids and actions were involved in effectively regulating writing processes and strategies. In addition to being useful in analyzing the usability and effectiveness of the technology-enhanced environment, this type of analysis also gave insight into individuals’ writing processes and difficulties and could be used by instructors wishing to provide feedback or adapt their instructional designs.

Cuvinte cheie: writing processes, argumentation, technology-enhanced learning, process visualization

Citați acest articol astfel:
Benetos, K., Bétrancourt, M. Visualization of computer-supported argumentative writing processes using C‑SAW. Revista Romana de Interactiune Om-Calculator 8(4), 281-302, 2015.

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Visualization of polyphonic voices inter-animation in CSCL chats

Ştefan Trăuşan-Matu1, 2, 3, Mihai Dascălu1

1Universitatea Politehnica din Bucureşti
Splaiul Independenţei nr. 313, București, România

2Institutul de Cercetări în Inteligenţa Artificială
Calea 13 Septembrie nr. 13, București, România

3Academia Oamenilor de Ştiinţă din România
Splaiul Independenţei nr. 54, București, România

Rezumat: Instant messenger (chat) is one of the means of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, which may foster students' inter-animation towards joint knowledge construction. However, the analysis and grading of such chats is an extremely time-consuming activity, therefore (semi-)automatic analytics tools are needed. Discourse threads in a chat may become very complex and intertwined, becoming like voices in a polyphonic musical piece. Starting from the polyphonic model, several learning analytics systems were implemented, in which voices and their inter-animation visualization have a central role. This paper tries to analyze the classes of implemented visualizations, from an interdisciplinary perspective.

Cuvinte cheie: polyphony, dialogism, CSCL, chats, inter-animation, visualization

Citați acest articol astfel:
Trausan-Matu, S., Dascalu, M. Visualization of polyphonic voices inter-animation in CSCL chats. Revista Romana de Interactiune Om-Calculator 8(4), 303-320, 2015.

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Understanding perceptual-gestural knowledge in TEL systems with eye-tracking

Ben-Manson Toussaint1, 2, Vanda Luengo3, Francis Jambon1

1Université de Grenoble Alpes
Laboratoire d’Informatique de Grenoble, F-38000 Grenoble, France

2Ecole Supérieure d’Infotronique d’Haïti
29, 2e ruelle Nazon, Port-au-Prince, Haiti

3Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie
Site Jussieu. 3, rue des Fossés St Bernard, 75252 Paris, France

Rezumat: This paper presents our methodology to capture and model multimodal interactions in Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS). We are specifically interested in perceptual-gestural interactions combining perceptions, gestures and other type of actions. Traces of such interactions are multisource and heterogeneous. The challenge is to foster their representation into sequences that render their multimodal nature. In this work, we want to show how the proposed representation yields the analysis of the influence of visual perceptions on learners’ performance. Our case study is the ITS TELEOS, a simulation-based Intelligent Tutoring System dedicated to percutaneous orthopedic surgery. We also conducted an experiment on PILOTE 2, a flight simulation environment, to give a proof of concept of the genericity of our propositions.

Cuvinte cheie: Intelligent Tutoring Systems, perceptual-gestural knowledge, eye-tracking, multimodal interactions

Citați acest articol astfel:
Toussaint, B-M., Luengo, V., Jambon, F. Understanding perceptual-gestural knowledge in TEL systems with eye-tracking. Revista Romana de Interactiune Om-Calculator 8(4), 321-340, 2015.

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