Revista Română de
Interacțiune Om-Calculator

Vol.9, Nr.1, 2016

ISSN 1843-4460

English version


Kinect v2 evaluation for in-home medical rehabilitation scenarios
Alexandru Grădinaru, Alin Moldoveanu
1 - 18
Exploring the motives of using Facebook – a multidimensional approach
Dragoş Daniel Iordache, Costin Pribeanu
19 - 34
A ventriloquism perspective on Natural Language Processing
Ștefan Trăușan-Matu
35 - 52
Software system for the automatic and computer assisted diagnosis of some severe abdominal affections, based on ultrasound images
Delia Mitrea, Sergiu Nedevschi, Radu Badea
53 - 70
Visual tools for Software Development in GIS applications
Mihai Gheorghe, Marian Dârdală
71 - 84


Kinect v2 evaluation for in-home medical rehabilitation scenarios

Alexandru Grădinaru, Alin Moldoveanu
University Politehnica of Bucharest
Splaiul Independenței nr. 313, 060042, Bucharest

Rezumat: The technology advancements greatly improved the medical services over time with virtual reality (VR) devices and applications. Currently taking advantage of these recent advancements is the medical rehabilitation field, heavily studied in past few years as a promising VR area. VR-based rehab brings several advantages over the traditional therapy and could deliver personalized in-home treatment without the need of a permanent dedicated supervisor. A device that could make this technology possible is the Microsoft’s new Kinect v2, an improved motion capture sensor available at low prices for personal use. This promising high-tech device can track body movements without the need of additional attached devices that could prove unconformable and expensive. In order to evaluate the medical rehabilitation utility for in-home usage we conducted some research studies and practical experiments focusing on the upper-part of the body in a seated pose in front of a desk. Results indicate that the Kinect sensor can successfully track the body in the proposed scenario and showed great reliability. Occlusion interferences can highly impact the sensor’s overall performance, but in a normal prepared in-home environment the sensor proves to be very efficient.

Cuvinte cheie: Kinect, medical rehabilitation, in-home treatment.

Citați acest articol astfel:
Gradinaru, A., Moldoveanu, A. Kinect v2 evaluation for in-home medical rehabilitation scenarios. Revista Romana de Interactiune Om-Calculator 9(1), 1-18, 2016.

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Exploring the motives of using Facebook – a multidimensional approach

Dragoş Daniel Iordache, Costin Pribeanu
National Institute for R D in Informatics – ICI Bucharest
Blvd. Maresal Averescu, No. 8-10, 011455, Bucharest, Romania

Rezumat: The increasing popularity of Facebook among university students stimulated the researchers to understand the reasons for joining and using the social networking websites. Several findings of the extant research suggest that the motives of using social networking websites are depending on the virtual community type and users’ profile. The objective of this paper is to develop and empirically validate a multidimensional model of the reasons why Romanian university students are using Facebook. The motives of using Facebook have been conceptualized as a global factor with three dimensions: extending the social relations, information   collaboration, and maintaining the social relations. The model has been validated on two samples collected from two Romanian universities.

Cuvinte cheie: Facebook, social networking websites, motives of using Facebook, SEM, multidimensional model.

Citați acest articol astfel:
Iordache, D.D., Pribeanu, C. Exploring the motives of using Facebook – a multidimensional approach. Revista Romana de Interactiune Om-Calculator 9(1), 19-34, 2016.

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A ventriloquism perspective on Natural Language Processing

Ștefan Trăușan-Matu1,2,3

1Universitatea Politehnica din București
Splaiul Independentei nr. 313, București,

2Institutul de Cercetari in Inteligență Artificială
Calea 13 Septembrie nr. 13, Bucureşti

3Academia Oamenilor de Știinţă din România
Splaiul Independenței nr. 54, Bucureşti

Rezumat: Natural language interfaces and, in general, Natural Language Processing (NLP) state of the art applications cannot handle satisfactory (if they can at all) conversational implicatures, illocutionary force, stylization, parody, inner disguised polemic, disguised dialogue and other similar phenomena. Considering the ventriloquism perspective in the context of the dialogic-polyphonic theories of Mikhael Bakhtin may provide a basis on trying to cope with such phenomena. The paper introduces some basic ideas of Bakhtin related to ventriloquism in an extended sense, discusses the approaches based on ventriloquism in other domains than NLP, then it analyzes several NLP applications from the perspective of this concept. Several ideas on how the analysis of ventriloquism might be done in NLP are introduced.

Cuvinte cheie: ventriloquism, dialogism, polyphony, computational linguistics, interanimation, visualization

Citați acest articol astfel:
Trausan-Matu, S. A ventriloquism perspective on Natural Language Processing. Revista Romana de Interactiune Om-Calculator 9(1), 35-52, 2016.

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Software system for the automatic and computer assisted diagnosis of some severe abdominal affections, based on ultrasound images

Delia Mitrea1, Sergiu Nedevschi1, Radu Badea2

1Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Automation and Computer Science, Department of Computer Science
Baritiu Str., No. 26-28, Cluj-Napoca

2Iuliu Hațieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca, Department of Medical Imaging
V. Babeș Str., No. 8, Cluj-Napoca

Rezumat: In this article we describe specific methods for the characterization and computer assisted diagnosis of some severe abdominal diseases, based on ultrasound images and the corresponding software system. The objective of our research is to build an instrument for the non-invasive diagnosis, based on virtual biopsy, of some severe abdominal diseases such as the cirrhosis, the hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and the colorectal tumors. The gold standard for the diagnosis of these affections is the classical biopsy, but this is invasive, dangerous. Ultrasonography is a medical-imaging based investigation method that is noninvasive, inexpensive, safe and thus repeatable. Texture is an important property of the human body tissues, able to reveal subtle characteristics upon the pathology. We defined the imagistic textural model of these affections, using the information obtained from ultrasound images. Based on the imagistic textural model, we assessed the possibility of performing automatic recognition of the considered affections both in supervised and unsupervised manner, the purpose of the latter approach being that of discovering the severity grades of the diseases. The resulted accuracy was above 90% in most of the cases.

Cuvinte cheie: Automatic and computer assisted diagnosis, non-invasive characterization, ultrasound images, texture, virtual biopsy, classification performance.

Citați acest articol astfel:
Mitrea, D., Nedevschi, S., Badea, R. Software system for the automatic and computer assisted diagnosis of some severe abdominal affections, based on ultrasound images. Revista Romana de Interactiune Om-Calculator 9(1), 53-70, 2016.

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Visual tools for Software Development in GIS applications

Mihai Gheorghe, Marian Dârdală

Bucharest University of Economic Studies
6 Piata Romana, 1st district, Bucharest, 010374 Romania

Rezumat: This paper aims to showcase a set of features which enables users to develop custom processing models using a specific interface for the workflow. The component presented in this paper, part of the ArcGIS software suite, is called ModelBuilder and allows a visual description of the processing flow, which enable users who do not have extensive programming knowledge to define custom processing models. The tool is also addressed for experienced programmers by having the ability to include scripts within the models and setting them parameters for integration with the workflow. This way, the models can be run either as stand-alone tools, on demand using specific interaction routines - GIS Add-ins, or can be embedded in WebGIS applications by exporting them as geoprocessing services and run through ArcGIS Server or through Cloud services provided by ESRI (the company that develops ArcGIS).

Cuvinte cheie: GIS, human-computer interaction, modeling, ArcGIS ModelBuilder, software engineering, visual development tools.

Citați acest articol astfel:
Gheorghe, M., Dardala, M. Visual tools for Software Development in GIS applications. Revista Romana de Interactiune Om-Calculator 9(1), 71-84, 2016.

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