Romanian Journal of
Human - Computer Interaction

Vol.7, No.1, 2014

ISSN 1843-4460



Romanian dependency parser developed based on parsers for other Romanic languages.
Iulia Maria Florea, Traian Rebedea, Costin-Gabriel Chiru
1 - 20
InstantPlay - A Cloud Gaming Platform.
Şerban Ungureanu, Andrei Panu, Lenuţa Alboaie, Sabin-Corneliu Buraga, Adrian Iftene
21 - 36
Analytical platform for the study of usage data generated by telemedicine services.
Daniela-Anca Sârbu
37 - 52
Interactive marketing system on Internet.
Electra Mitan, Ana-Maria Borozan
53 - 70
User Interaction Techniques with 3D Particle-based Models.
Denisa Copândean, Adrian Sabou, Dorian Gorgan
71 - 88


Romanian dependency parser developed based on parsers for other Romanic languages

Iulia Maria Florea1,2, Traian Rebedea1,2, Costin-Gabriel Chiru1
1University Politehnica of Bucharest, Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers,
313 Splaiul Independenţei , 060042 Bucharest, Romania

2TeamNet International, 319 Splaiul Independenţei, 060044 Bucharest, Romania

Abstract. Determining the syntactic dependencies is an important task in natural language processing, as it is useful for improving the results of a wide range of applications, such as machine translation, opinion mining, question-answering systems and others. This paper presents an initial step for semi-automatically building a corpus annotated with syntactic dependencies for Romanian and enriched with information about the type of the words and the relationships between them. As Romanian lacks an open-source syntactic or dependency parser specially trained on Romanian phrases, this corpus is necessary for obtaining better results for linguistic applications that are in need of dependency parse trees. To achieve this, we have started from two types of well-known parsers, the first trained for French syntactic parsing and the second for Spanish dependency parsing, that have been modified for analyzing phrases written in Romanian. The results we have obtained using these two methods are compared with the ones returned by the single existing dependency parser trained for Romanian on a medium-size corpus, which is available at this moment as a web service.

Keywords: natural language processing, dependency parsing, parser adaptation, feature extraction, syntax.

Cite this paper as:
Florea, I.M., Rebedea, T., Chiru, C.G. Romanian dependency parser developed based on parsers for other Romanic languages. Revista Romana de Interactiune Om-Calculator 7(1), 1-20, 2014.

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InstantPlay - A Cloud Gaming Platform

Şerban Ungureanu, Andrei Panu, Lenuţa Alboaie, Sabin-Corneliu Buraga, Adrian Iftene
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi
E-mail: {serban.ungureanu, andrei.panu, adria, busaco, adiftene}

Abstract. Cloud Gaming is a mechanism that enables users to play various games without having them installed on their computers. Games are running on servers in cloud and graphic output is compressed and sent over network. This offer major advantages that we will underlie in Section 1. In Section 2 we present how cloud gaming has become an effervescent field in computer science and we make a brief introduction of similar solutions. In section 3 we describe our solution and in next section we present a usage scenario and the results obtained comparing our proposal with an existing trading platform.

Keywords: cloud computing, gaming as a service, video streaming.

Cite this paper as:
Ungureanu, S., panu, A., Alboaie, L., Buraga, S.C., Iftene, A. InstantPlay – A Cloud Gaming Platform. Revista Romana de Interactiune Om-Calculator 7(1), 21-36, 2014.

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Analytical platform for the study of usage data generated by telemedicine services

Daniela-Anca Sârbu

Universitatea „Politehnică” Bucureşti
Str Splaiul Independenţei nr. 313, sector 6, Bucureşti

Abstract. Telemedicine researches nowadays focus more and more on the complexity of the services that can be delivered and on the development of new paradigms of healthcare delivery. The paper proposes a different approach, a study in one area that has been neglected, but might provide useful insights for optimizing telemedicine services offering and that consists in the analysis of the data generated by a telemedicine application and correlating it with the geographical area where the telemedicine services were accessed. The scope of the study is to identify the most relevant data held by a telecommunication operator and processing it to expose the results in a simple and intuitive manner. Thus, a clear imagine of the usage indicators and the manner in which this usage can be correlated with the geographical position will bring a significant contribution in decision making process of optimizing telemedicine services offering. With this purpose we propose as solution an analytical platform based on a datamart that aliments an OLAP cube for enabling queries on different axes of interest. The paper presents both the data modeling and architecture, and the way of visualizing the results. The results visualization is done in an interactive manner, through personalized dashboards that contain the aggregated information at the highest level, enabling decision making in telemedicine services offering and delivery.

Keywords: data mining, data mart, Online Analytical Processing, Call Detail Records.

Cite this paper as:
Sârbu, D.A. Analytical platform for the study of usage data generated by telemedicine services. Revista Romana de Interactiune Om-Calculator 7(1), 37-52, 2014.

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Interactive marketing system on Internet

Electra Mitan, Ana-Maria Borozan
National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics - ICI Bucureşti
8-10 Mareşal Averescu Avenue, 011455, Bucharest

Abstract. This paper presents IMM-Market, an interactive marketing system on Internet, that can be used by any organization for the future development of business in a modern manner. The system was developed as a web portal and includes the following modules: information, networking, management, marketing. Users that can access the system are divided in: authorised users (having operating function; can access the system public zone), experts (having leading function; can access the expert area), and administrators (can access the expert area and the Administration component of the system). IMM-Market can be accessed by anyone, anytime, and from anywhere. With a friendly interface IMM-Market is an interactive business process management tool that can support: the investigation of the market and consumption, testing of the products acceptability on the market, sales modeling, tracking of the consumption products, evaluation and testing of products, price research.

Keywords: Interactive Marketing, Internet, Business Administration.

Cite this paper as:
Mitan, E., Borozan, A.M.. Interactive marketing system on Internet. Revista Romana de Interactiune Om-Calculator 7(1), 53-70, 2014.

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User Interaction Techniques with 3D Particle-based Models

Denisa Copândean, Adrian Sabou, Dorian Gorgan
Universitatea Tehnică Cluj-Napoca – UTCN
Str. Memorandumului nr. 28, Cluj-Napoca
E-mail: , {adrian.sabou, dorian.gorgan}

Abstract: In order to develop flexible, highly-interactive applications we must ensure interaction between the user and modeled objects. Particle-based modeling introduces specific challenges with regard to interaction in the virtual environment, requiring the development of particular interaction techniques in order to simulate the user’s natural operations.
This paper presents user interaction techniques with deformable particle-based models, namely selection, manipulation and volume slicing. We also describe the concepts and techniques that form the basis of these interactions, such as bounding volume and the implementation of the slicing instrument. Finally we describe challenges occurring when ensuring interaction in three-dimensional scene using bi-dimensional capable input devices.

Keywords: volumetric objects, 3D, parallelism, cutting.

Cite this paper as:
Copândean,D., Sabou, A., Gorgan, D. User Interaction Techniques with 3D Particle-based Models. Revista Romana de Interactiune Om-Calculator 7(1), 71-88, 2014.

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