Romanian Journal of
Human - Computer InteractionVol.8, No.2, 2015
ISSN 1843-4460
User Localization by Spatial Context Processing
Vlad Doru Colceriu, Victor Bâcu, Teodor Stefanut, Dorian Gorgan
79 - 100 RACAI-RoTb: A Core of a Romanian Treebank Syntactically Annotated with Dependency Relations
Elena Irimia, Verginica Barbu Mititelu
101 - 120 Applications on Touchscreen Mobile Devices for Visually Impaired People
Alexandru Butean, Bogdan Troanca, Oana Balan, Florica Moldoveanu, Alin Moldoveanu, Doinita Chirita
121 - 138 An Ontology-based Approach for an e-Learning System Related to Human Resources Management into a University Hospital
Lidia Bajenaru, Alexandru Balog, Ion Smeureanu, Ion Alexandru Marinescu
139 - 156 A Multidimensional Model of the Usefulness of Facebook for University Students
Alexandru Balog, Costin Pribeanu
157 - 172
User Localization by Spatial Context Processing
Vlad Doru Colceriu, Victor Bacu, Teodor Stefanut, Dorian Gorgan
Computer Science Department, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Str. G. Baritiu, Nr. 28, 400027, Cluj-Napoca
E-mail: {vlad.colceriu, victor.bacu, teodor.stefanut, dorian.gorgan}
Abstract. This paper presents a case study and a proposed solution for a train localization system, designed to satisfy the safety requirements specific to the railway domain, and the limits imposed by the low cost regional railway platforms. Information and data flows are used to establish a global context for train localization through a software railway platform. The train localization is based on GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) low precision sensors and MEMS (Microelectromechanical Systems) inertial sensors integrated in commercial mobile devices, such as PC tablets and smart-phones. The integrity requirements of such a solution, on which the life safety is the main reason of localization, are stringent. In order to satisfy all the requirements put forward the current solution proposes to source out to the crowd the localization and other services traditionally offered by train personnel. The issues raised by storage, communication, processing and visualization of data throughout the processing flow are highlighted in the paper.
Keywords: data flow, crowd outsourcing, railway system, localization, sensors.
Cite this paper as:
Colceriu, V.D., Bacu, V., Stefanut, T., Gorgan, D. User Localization by Spatial Context Processing. Revista Romana de Interactiune Om-Calculator 8(2), 79-100, 2015.
RACAI-RoTb: A Core of a Romanian Treebank Syntactically Annotated with Dependency Relations
Elena Irimia, Verginica Barbu Mititelu
Institutul de Cercetări pentru Inteligenţă Artificială „Mihai Drăgănescu”, Academia Română
Calea 13 Septembrie, Nr. 13, 050711, Bucureşti
Abstract. This article presents the activity of creating a core of a treebank for Romanian, made up of 5000 sentences syntactically annotated with dependency grammar. In Introduction we bring arguments illustrating the need for creating such a language resource in the context of an important lack of electronic representation of Romanian, as compared to other languages (international ones). At the international level, big size treebanks (containing hundreds of thousands of sentences) have been created since the 90’s (section 2.1), while the few initiatives dedicated to Romanian count less than several thousand sentences (section 2.2). We present the selection methodology for the sentences to be included in our corpus (section 3), the dependency grammar we used (section 4), the annotation methodology (section 5) and the results of the evaluation of the automatic annotation with the help of its further manual correction (section 6). In order to speed up the annotation process, we start from a statistical annotation (using a statistic model of syntactic analysis for Spanish) that is subject to manual corrections made by two linguists.
Keywords: corpus, treebank, automatic annotation, syntactic annotation, dependency grammar.
Cite this paper as:
Irimia, E., Barbu Mititelu, V. RACAI-RoTb: A Core of a Romanian Treebank Syntactically Annotated with Dependency Relations. Revista Romana de Interactiune Om-Calculator 8(2), 101-120, 2015.
Applications on Touchscreen Mobile Devices for Visually Impaired People
Alexandru Butean1, Bogdan Troanca2, Oana Balan1 , Florica Moldoveanu1, Alin Moldoveanu1, Doinita Chirita1
1Universitatea Politehnica of Bucharest
Splaiul Independenţei nr. 313, Bucharest, Romania
E-mail:,,,, chiritadoinita@gmail.com2University “Lucian Blaga” of Sibiu
Emil Cioran Street, No. 4, 550025, Sibiu, Romania
Abstract. Nowadays, the mobile devices are used for accomplishing a wide range of tasks and activities. Nonetheless, interacting with them represents a considerable challenge for the visually impaired people, especially in what concerns the low level of accessibility and usability. At the same time, the visually impaired people cannot use the most common applications for mobile phones and are deprived of access to a wide range of essential information concerning the environment (objects, obstacles, and the presence of other people around, the ability of freely navigating). This paper is a review that aims to present and evaluate some of the most relevant mobile applications designed for the visually impaired users. These applications become accessible to the blind people by using sound, touchscreen and vibration in order to offer the necessary information for HCI. This research is taking into account the main characteristics, limitations, comments and improvement ideas.
Keywords: visually-impaired people, sound, vibration, HCI, mobile devices.
Cite this paper as:
Butean, A., Troanca, B., Balan, O., Moldoveanu, F., Moldoveanu, A., Chirita, D. Applications on Touchscreen Mobile Devices for Visually Impaired People. Revista Romana de Interactiune Om-Calculator 8(2), 121-138, 2015.
An Ontology-Based Approach for an E-Learning System Related to Human Resources Management into a University Hospital
Lidia Bajenaru1, Alexandru Balog1, Ion Smeureanu2, Ion Alexandru Marinescu1
1National Institute for Research & Development in Informatics – ICI Bucharest
8-10, Maresal Averescu Avenue, 011455, Bucharest, Romania
2University of Economic Studies
6, Romană Square, Bucharest, Romania
Abstract. The proposed e-learning system, presented in this paper, meets the training requirements of managers in health, activity which is one of the strategies to improve human resource management (HRM) in order to cope with the current challenges and requirements of the healthcare system. The improvement of the human resources management in a medical unit depends primarily on the professionalism of the management team, respectively on the knowledge, skills and abilities of its members. The system presented in this paper is a personalized e-learning system, which aims to take into account the personal profile, the initial knowledge and training requirements thereof. This system is based on new technologies, Semantic Web and ontologies, technologies that help in modeling the system components: the student's model, the model of the interest field (HRM), the personalized learning path. This paper presents an ontological approach to an e-learning system tailored to the training needs of a management team members from a hospital in human resources management in health from Romania. The paper presents the components and system architecture underlying its implementation onto a real platform.
Keywords: e-learning, personalization, modeling, ontology, Semantic Web, human resource management.
Cite this paper as:
Bajenaru, L., Balog, A., Smeureanu, I., Marinescu, I.A. An Ontology-Based Approach for an E-Learning System Related to Human Resources Management into a University Hospital. Revista Romana de Interactiune Om-Calculator 8(2), 139-156, 2015.
A Multidimensional Model of the Usefulness of Facebook for University Students
Alexandru Balog, Costin Pribeanu
National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics – ICI Bucharest
Bd. Maresal Averescu, Nr. 8-10, 011455, Bucuresti
Abstract. The popularity of social networking websites among university students stimulated the interest for studying the potential of use for educational purposes. The objective of this study is to test and validate a multidimensional model for the usefulness of Facebook. The model is specified by a second order factor (Facebook usefulness) and three dimensions specified as first order factors (social usefulness, information usefulness and collaboration usefulness). The model has been tested on a sample of 414 students from the Bucharest University of Economics, by using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Results show that the dimensions have a similar significance and order of importance for male and female students. However, the global factor loadings on the social usefulness and information usefulness dimensions are higher for men than for women while the global factor loading on the dimension collaboration usefulness is higher for women than for m.
Keywords: Facebook, social networks, multidimensional model, usefulness of Facebook, gender differences, SEM.
Cite this paper as:
Balog, A., Pribeanu, C. A Multidimensional Model of the Usefulness of Facebook for University Students. Revista Romana de Interactiune Om-Calculator 8(2), 157-172, 2015.