Romanian Journal of
Human - Computer Interaction

Vol.10, No.2, 2017

ISSN 1843-4460



Virtual training and testing environments for visually impaired people
Silviu Ivascu, Alin Moldoveanu, Florica Moldoveanu, Maria-Iuliana Dascălu
89 - 104
A conceptual model for designing an e-learning platform dynamically adapting to users' behavior
Costel Marian Ionașcu, Marian Cristian Mihăescu, Paul Ștefan Popescu
105 - 118
Augmented Space Editor
Codrin Dumitru Goia, Dorian Gorgan
119 - 146
Semantic Taboo - A Serious Game for Vocabulary Acquisition
Irina Toma, Cristina-Elena Alexandru, Mihai Dascălu, Philippe Dessus, Ștefan Trăușan-Matu
147 - 162
Interactive Visualization through Sparse Muldimensional Data Spaces
Maxim Bogdan, Dorian Gorgan
163 - 182


Virtual training and testing environments for visually impaired people

Silviu Ivașcu, Alin Moldoveanu, Florica Moldoveanu, Maria-Iuliana Dascălu
University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest

Abstract: There are a lot of problems that visually impaired people face daily. One of them is navigating through unknown environments. The Sound of Vision project (Sound of Vision, n.d.) wants to solve this problem by converting visual stimuli into sound and haptic feedback. This paper has two main parts. In the first part, we offer a general overview of the Sound of Vision project. In the second part, we focus mainly on the Virtual Training Environments (VTE), which were developed for training visually impaired people in using the SOV device and measure their performance for future improvements.

Keywords: Sound of Vision, Virtual Reality - VR, Augmented Reality – AR, Visually impaired.

Cite this paper as:
Ivascu, S., Moldoveanu, A., Moldoveanu, F., Dascalu, M.I. Virtual training and testing environments for visually impaired people Revista Romana de Interactiune Om-Calculator 10(2), 89-104, 2017.

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A conceptual model for designing an e-learning platform dynamically adapting to users' behavior

Costel Marian Ionașcu, Marian Cristian Mihăescu, Paul Ștefan Popescu
University of Craiova
Str. A.I. Cuza no 13, 200585, Craiova

Abstract: Creating an e-learning platform dynamically adapting to the users' learning styles and behavior is always a challenge. In this paper we describe a conceptual model for designing a dynamically adapting e-learning platform to the users' learning styles and learning behavior based on the analyze of users' events and actions. The proposed model can generate feedback for users at the individual and group level and also assist tutors to generate their feedback to the users. The paper presents the main conditions which must be fulfilled by this design, propose a way to construct learning content that facilitate the process of users' events recording and analyzing and a set of logical steps to follow in order to apply it at the level of an e-learning platform.

Keywords: e-learning platform, human-computer interaction, platform adaptability, learning styles.

Cite this paper as:
Ionascu, C.M., Mihaescu, M.C., Popescu, P.S. A conceptual model for designing an e-learning platform dynamically adapting to users' behavior. Revista Romana de Interactiune Om-Calculator 10(2), 105-118, 2017.

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Augmented Space Editor

Codrin Dumitru Goia1, Dorian Gorgan2
Technical University Cluj-Napoca
Memorandumului 28, Cluj-Napoca

Abstract: The paper presents a new concept of human-computer interaction having as purpose 3D object modeling. The user models an object in an augmented reality context, using as input the touch screen and two markers, the first representing the scene base on top of which shapes will be drawn, and the second being a 3D cursor. The research experiments a robust camera pose estimation algorithm based on the detection of the marker, allowing for pose retrieval even in situations where marker is partially occluded.

Keywords: augmented reality, 3D editor, 3D cursor.

Cite this paper as:
Goia, C.D., Gorgan, D. Augmented Space Editor. Revista Romana de Interactiune Om-Calculator 10(2), 119-146, 2017

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Semantic Taboo – A Serious Game for Vocabulary Acquisition

Irina Toma1, Cristina-Elena Alexandru2, Mihai Dascălu1,2,3, Philippe Dessus3, Ștefan Trăușan-Matu1,2
1University "Politehnica" of Bucharest
313 Splaiul Independenței, 060042, Bucharest, Romania

2Academy of Romanian Scientists
Splaiul Independenţei 54, 050094, Bucharest, Romania

3Laboratoire des Sciences de l’Éducation
Univ. Grenoble Alpes, F38000 Grenoble, France

Abstract: Vocabulary acquisition is considered one of the most important aspects of a language because it defines and constraints communication. In order to overcome this, students and teachers use various techniques meant to improve the learning process and facilitate word acquisition. Using conceptual networks that establish links to prior knowledge is an approach with proven good results. The game presented in this paper, Semantic Taboo, is a serious game that helps users enlarge their conceptual network. The game has two modes, one for teachers and one for students. In the teacher module, users have the option of adding playing cards. The theme of the card (the seed) is taken as input, while the list of taboo words is selected from the list of semantically related words provided by the ReaderBench framework. The student model has the same game principle as the traditional game, but the list of taboo words and the description of the seed help the learner acquire new words. The preliminary validation consisted of 15 users who were impressed by the game concept and its educational value.

Keywords: serious games, vocabulary acquisition, word-guessing, Taboo game, ReaderBench framework.

Cite this paper as:
Toma, I., Alexandru, C.E., Dascalu, M., Dessus, P., Trausan-Matu, S. Semantic Taboo – A Serious Game for Vocabulary Acquisition Revista Romana de Interactiune Om-Calculator 10(2), 147-162, 2017.

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Interactive Visualization through Sparse Muldimensional Data Spaces

Maxim Bogdan, Dorian Gorgan
Technical University Cluj-Napoca
Memorandumului 28, Cluj-Napoca

Abstract: The acquisition, storing and processing of massive multidimensional spatial data requires data models able to support search, access, and fetch particular data from sparce data value space. In order to understand the meaning of complex data, the visual analysis has to integrate the complex algorithmic processing over high performance processing infrastructures with interactive visual navigation throughout the multidimensional data space. The visualization throughout the sparse value spaces is not a trivial task. This paper presents and experiments a solution for sparse multidimensional spatial data models, and two new user interaction techniques to navigate and visualize data model. The paper highlight the main issues of visualization by intersection plane, and projection plane by deeper visual penetration within the data value space.

Keywords: Visual analytics; sparse data; multidimensional spatial data; Rasdaman technology; visualization technique.

Cite this paper as:
Maxim, B., Gorgan, D. Interactive Visualization through Sparse Muldimensional Data Spaces. Revista Romana de Interactiune Om-Calculator 10(2), 163-182, 2017.

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