Proceedings of the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction - RoCHI 2018



Effects of gender differences in the perceived learning quality of an AR-based learning scenario Costin Pribeanu Full article
Filter Application on Facial Features in a Smartphone App Sofia Morar, Elena Pelican, Dorin-Mircea Popovici Full article
Towards a VR-based Cognitive Assessment and Rehabilitation Tool for Cognitively Impaired Elderly People Ștefan Cojocaru, Dorin-Mircea Popovici Full article
FoodAR - An Augmented Reality Application used in Gastronomy Mirela Chițaniuc, Bianca Miron, Adrian Iftene Full article
A Systematic Review of the Methods and Experiments Aimed to Reduce Front-Back Confusions in the Free-Field and Virtual Auditory Environments Oana Bălan, Alin Moldoveanu, Florica Moldoveanu Full article
Assessing the usability of web-based applications for diabetes care Maria Gheorghe-Moisii, Marilena Ianculescu, Costin Pribeanu Full article
Using expert evaluation to assess the usability of the CNAS-SIUI Portal Irina Cristescu, Dragoș Daniel Iordache, Marilena Ianculescu Full article
Usability evaluation of Tesys e-Learning platform Paul Ștefan Popescu, Marian Cristian Mihăescu, Dragoș Daniel Iordache, Costin Pribeanu Full article
Mobile usability evaluation: the case of the Art Encounters 2017 application Silviu Vert, Diana Andone Full article
Tools and resources for Romanian text-to-speech and speech-to-text applications Tiberiu Boros, Ștefan Daniel Dumitrescu, Vasile Pais Full article
Speech & Speaker Recognition for Romanian Language Eugeniu Vezeteu, Dragoș-Florin Sburlan, Elena Pelican Full article
ReaderBench Talk: Online Conversations Empowered by Advanced NLP Techniques Andrei Mardale, Gabriel Guțu-Robu, Mihai Dascălu, Ștefan Trăușan-Matu Full article
Byzantine Music Composition Using Markov Models Teodor Lucian Anton, Ștefan Trăușan-Matu Full article
Workflow Editor for Definition and Execution of Parallelized Earth Data Processing Algorithms Constantin Ioan Nandra, Dorian Gorgan Full article
Smart Watch-based Gesture Recognition to Control a Music Player Ioana-Crinela Potinteu, Teodor Ștefănuț Full article
Perceived Usability, Desirability, and Workload of Mid-Air Gesture Control for Smart TVs Irina Popovici, Radu-Daniel Vatavu Full article
Toward Smart Rings as Assistive Devices for People with Motor Impairments: A Position Paper Bogdan-Florin Gheran, Ovidiu-Ciprian Ungurean, Radu-Daniel Vatavu Full article
Augmenting Selection by Intention for In-Vehicle Control and Command Cătălin Diaconescu, Dragoș-Florin Sburlan, Dorin-Mircea Popovici Full article
Game Development Methodology Mapped on the EvoGlimpse Video Game Experiment Bianca-Cerasela-Zelia Blaga, Dorian Gorgan Full article
Exploring Solutions for the Development Methodology of the Video Game DABABAT Al-Doori Rami, Bianca-Cerasela-Zelia Blaga, Dorian Gorgan Full article
Experiments on Computer Game Development Methodology Andrei Gabriel Morar, Dorian Gorgan Full article
Impact of Game AI Systems on Player Experience Daniel Ciugurean, Bogdan Maxim, Dorian Gorgan Full article
Enhancing player experience using procedural level generation Bogdan Maxim, Daniel Ciugurean, Dorian Gorgan Full article
Initiative to Support Basic Digital Skills Development of Romanian Preschool Children Adriana-Mihaela Guran, Grigoreta-Sofia Cojocar, Anamaria Moldovan Full article
Measuring the educational support provided by the discussion groups: A multidimensional model Gabriel Gorghiu, Irina Cristescu, Dragoș Daniel Iordache, Costin Pribeanu Full article
Heuristic Evaluation of the EvoGlimpse Video Game Bianca-Cerasela-Zelia Blaga, Selma Evelyn Cătălina Goga, Al-Doori Rami, Dorian Gorgan Full article
Analysis on Usability Heuristics for MagicHerbs Game Selma Evelyn Cătălina Goga, Bianca-Cerasela-Zelia Blaga, Flavia Andrada Pop, Dorian Gorgan Full article
Real-Time User Interaction within Socio-Physical Systems Corina Bianca Alb, Dorian Gorgan Full article