Ion Juvina, Ph.D., studied Psychology in Bucuresti,
Romania, and Information Science in Utrecht, The Netherlands. He
holds a position of Post-doctoral Research Associate at Carnegie
Mellon University, Psychology Department, Pittsburgh PA, USA. His
research interests include cognitive modeling of human-Web
interaction and cognitive control in multitasking. His work has been
presented at prestigious international conferences such as EAWOP,
STD, EARLI, CSCL, CogSci, HCI International, British HCI, SIGCHI.NL,
UM, AH, and published in prominent journals such as: Universal
Access in Information Society, Information Design Journal,
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, and Discourse
Processes. One of his papers received the James Chen Best Paper
Award at the 10th International Conference on User Modeling, UM05,
Edinburgh, Scotland. |