Romanian Journal of
Human - Computer InteractionVol.4, No.1, 2011
ISSN 1843-4460
The development and testing of a hierarchical model for the evaluation of on-line libraries quality (LibEval).
Alexandru Balog
1 - 22 Image recommendation system based on social, semantic and visual characteristics.
Maria Roditis, Andreea Tabacariu, Ştefan Trăuşan-Matu
23 - 50 Guidelines for the design of new interactive technologies for children
Ana Maria Marhan
51 - 64 A case study in specifying a formative index for the analysis of an e-learning application usability
Costin Pribeanu
65 - 80 Software solutions for statistical data representation in GIS by combining symbologies
Marian Dârdală, Adriana Reveiu
81 - 92
The development and testing of a hierarchical model for the evaluation of on-line libraries quality (LibEval)
Alexandru Balog
National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics – ICI Bucharest
8-10 Mareşal Averescu Street, 011455, Bucharest
E-mail: alexb@ici.roAbstract. The purpose of this study is to identify the dimensions of on-line libraries quality, and to develop a reliable and valid measurement instrument (LibEval). After a brief literature review, we present the research model and the development and testing methodology used. The model is specified as a second-order factor (on-line library quality) with five dimensions that are modeled as first-order factors (interface quality, system quality, information quality, service quality, and context). The model is rigurously tested using empirical data and the results support the research model. Finally, the utility of the proposed model is discussed for implications, limitations and future research.
Keywords: on-line library, digital library, evaluation model, quality evaluation, measurement scale, hierarchical model, multidimensional model, EFA, CFA.
Image recommendation system based on social, semantic and visual characteristics
Maria Roditis1, Andreea Tabacariu2, Ştefan Trăuşan-Matu3
1”Politehnica” University of Bucharest
Splaiul Independentei nr. 313, sector 6, Bucharest, Romania
E-mail: roditis.maria@gmail.com2 “Politehnica” University of Bucharest
Splaiul Independentei nr. 313, sector 6, Bucharest, Romania
E-mail: andreea.tabacariu@gmail.com3 “Politehnica” University of Bucharest
Splaiul Independentei nr. 313, sector 6, Bucharest, Romania
Abstract. The article presents recommendation systems in terms of the most important aspects and types of algorithms used in different approaches and implementations, as well as issues which arise and need to be overcome. The application presented in this article was developed based on a combination of multiple ways to recommend images. The proposed model brings quality results using the following aspects of recommendation: social - by applying the concept of collaborative filtering, visual - by calculating the similarities between the visual features extracted from images, semantic - using metrics based on WordNet similarity between terms, and also by integrating a SVM classifier for recognition of scene types based on visual aspects. We present in detail the scientific methods and the architectural design used in our proposed system.
Keywords: image recommendation, semantic, social, visual features, classification.
Guidelines for the design of new interactive technologies for children
Ana Maria Marhan
Institute of Philosophy and Psychology ”C. Rădulescu Motru”
House of Academy, Calea 13 Septembrie Nr.13, 011455, Bucureşti
Abstract. The way children learn, play, interact with parents or communicate with friends is significantly impacted by the ubiquity of digital technologies in their early life. Successful development of new technologies aimed specifically at children requires designers to become acquaintant with the characteristics of such a special group of users. Establishing a precise but complex design framework, with well-articulated and thorough tested theoretical models of the end-user, is therefore a prerequisite for generating reliable sets of guidelines able to inform and orient the technology development process.
Keywords: child, computer, cognitive development, concrete operational stage.
A case study in specifying a formative index for the analysis of an e-learning application usability
Costin Pribeanu
National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics – ICI Bucharest
Bd. Mareşal Averescu, Nr. 8-10, 011455, Bucureşti
Abstract. Up to now few approaches to usability evaluation exist that are using structural models to analyze the causal relations between various factors influencing the quality of use and / or the intention to use. Also, few measurement models exist that are including composite constructs targeting several dimensions. Adequate specification of measurement models according to the nature of construct and direction of causal relations between a construct and its measures is an important research topic in recent years. In this paper a synthesis of recent advances in formative models specification and validation methodology is presented. The methodology was applied to develop a structural model having as focal variable a composite construct measured with formative indicators. The purpose of this study is to get more insights into specific usability issues and to analyze the relationship between usability and the perceived enjoyment.
Keywords: measurement model, formative index, usability, perceived enjoyment.
Software solutions for statistical data representation in GIS by combining symbologies
Marian Dârdală, Adriana Reveiu
Academy of Economic Studies – AES Bucharest
6, Romană Square, 010374, Bucharest
E-mail: ,
Abstract: Various types of cartograms in the geographic information systems (GIS) present elements from reality, being in interdependence with their location. The problem of representation of a large set of information on the cartograms is of actual interest because the user can perceive the reality through its many graphic features. The paper aims to present a series of techniques to build cartograms by combining symbologies in a GIS. The possibility to combine symbologies is based on the fact that, in addition to surface filler simple symbologies, there are overlapping symbologies, aiming to draw graphical objects on spatial data of polygon type. Thus, the user may perceive in addition to the background colour, which quantifies a characteristic of reality, other features represented by overlapping elements, like charts, symbols with various size, or dots with different densities.
Keywords: cartogram, GIS, symbologies, classes hierarchy, spatial database, thematic composition, extension.