engage! and converse! - Designing Interactive Creative Spaces Jens Gerken
On the Enhancement of Augmented Reality-based Tele-Collaboration with Affective Computing Technology Dragoş Datcu
Increasing immersion in virtual reality through natural movement, using body tracking equipment Valentin Dobre, Alin Moldoveanu, Victor Asavei
Finger tracking based on Computer Vision for use in Human-Computer Interaction Rareş Bradi, Dorian Gorgan
Natural user interface applied in computer aided design Florin Gîrbacia, Teodora Gîrbacia
Comparative study of the main Virtual Dressing Room applications Oana Bălan, Alin Moldoveanu, Florica Moldoveanu
Chronotopic Analysis of Discourse in Texts and Conversations Ștefan Trăușan-Matu
RoboBraille – transform documents în accessible for users who have visual impaired and learning disabilities Lars Ballieu Christensen, Marian Pădure
CSCL chats Analysis using R package Iulia Badea, Ștefan Trăușan-Matu
Applications for dynamic language identification Paul Fogarassy-Neszly, Vasile Gherhes
Automatic Textual Complexity Analysis of French Textbooks Mihai Dascălu, Larise Lucia Stavarache, Ștefan Trăușan-Matu, Philippe Dessus, Maryse Bianco
Development of Interaction Techniques for Augmented Reality Applications in the field of Education Levente-Lóránt Nagy, Dorian Gorgan
Using visual interfaces in human-machine interaction. Case study: MyDearDaisy Laurenţiu Tănase, Dorin-Mircea Popovici
A study of gender differences in evaluating the quality of the e-learning service Alexandru Balog
Use of haptic feedback in simulation of medical procedure Dorin-Mircea Popovici, Felix G. Hamza-Lup, Crenguţa M. Bogdan, Elena Băutu, Cristian A. Corleanca
A predictive model to analyze the innovative learning with an augmented reality- based application Costin Pribeanu
A framework proposal for performance-based usability metrics automatic evaluation using AOP Adriana-Mihaela Guran, Grigoreta-Sofia Cojocar
Characteristics of the Facebook use by students - a qualitative approach Dragoș Daniel Iordache
Centralised management of the social networks Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and user activity monitoring Claudia-Elena Juncu, Adrian Iftene
User context in railway applications Vlad Colceriu, Victor Bâcu, Teodor Ștefănuț, Dorian Gorgan
Interactive system for the management and promotion of the multicultural content from the Romanian space Ion Alexandru Marinescu, Lidia Băjenaru, Mihaela Tomescu
Interactive system for virtual enterprise agility evaluation Lidia Băjenaru, Ana-Maria Borozan, Mihaela Tomescu, Daniel Savu
Real-time visualization and processing of large volumes of medical data Andrei Simion, Florica Moldoveanu, Victor Asavei, Alin Moldoveanu
Image search based on the content and on associated metadata Adrian Iftene, Lenuţa Alboaie, Cristina Şerban, Alexandra Siriţeanu
Graphic editor used to draw the phasor diagrams of electric circuits operating under sinusoidal conditions Marinel Popescu, Claudiu-Mihai Bălan
eCulturalHighway - web portal for promoting cultural tourism Valentin Răduţ, Ionuţ Petre, Dragoş Marian Smada